Venerable Makarios, Abbot of Zheltovod and Unzha - Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 5

Today your city of Galich praises you, for within its boundaries you shone as a great sun; / and by your miracles, O Venerable Makarios, you have illumined all things. / Now pray to the Lord that our souls may be delivered from the temptations of the Enemy, / and that your city may be protected from the invasion of pagans.

Kontakion — Tone 2

You appeared as a second Moses, O Venerable one, for he divided the sea with his staff, / and you conquered the passions like Amalek,1 passing through the impenetrable wilderness with an untroubled mind. / There, by your prayers, you worked great miracles, feeding hungry people to satiety. / Now pray to the Lord to give consolation to all those in sorrow, O ever-memorable Father Makarios, / and to the region of Galich, and praise and affirmation to all the Russian land.

1 Genesis 36:12