Venerable Peter the former soldier

Saint Peter lived in the IX century, during the reign of the iconoclast Emperor Theophilos (829), and was from the province of Galatia in Asia Minor. He was the son of Theophilos and Eudokia, and at first his name was Leo. Since he was handsome and possessed physical strength as well as good judgement, the Emperor made him a Count.

For many years he fought in various wars but was weighed down by many tragedies. Then he came to despise it all and became a monk at Daphnί Monastery, with the name Peter.

Later he went to Olympus and to Jerusalem. He did not remain permanently, but fled to Laodίkeia and Attalya. Courageously, he endured the difficulties of the journey, his spiritual struggles, and the wild ferocity of the Ishmaelites, whom he encountered on the road, then at last he returned to Olympus.

In 867, his lofty virtues became known to Emperor Basil the Macedonian, who persuaded him to dwell in the Monastery of Saint Phokás. There, after many spiritual contests, he surrendered his soul to the Lord.

This Saint Peter should not be confused with another Saint Peter of Galatia who lived in the V century (February 1).